Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Re: Please help the world - COP15 opening film

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

White cool Roofing In Minnesota with FSEER and Duro-last

In full sun, the surface of a black roof may experience a temperature rise of as much as 90 degrees F, reaching midday temperatures of 150-190 degrees F. A white reflective roof typically increases only 10-25 degrees F above ambient temperature under the same conditions.
That’s why owners of large commercial, industrial and multi-family residential buildings are turning to white reflective vinyl roofing membranes and planted or green roofs to reduce peak energy demand by as much as 10 percent and control energy costs. Reflective single-ply roof systems also enhance the life expectancy of both the membrane and the building cooling equipment. A further benefit: improved thermal efficiency of whatever roof insulation is required. As the temperature increases, the thermal conductivity of the insulation increases.
When a roof can deliver high solar reflectance (or albedo) and thermal emittance values, it is known as a cool roof. A vinyl roof can reflect three-quarters of the sun’s rays – usually far more – and emit 70 or more percent of the solar radiation absorbed by the building envelope. Asphalt built-up roofs (BUR), by comparison, reflect between 6 percent and 26 percent of solar radiation.
Cool roofs also reduce the urban heat island effect, lowering surrounding air temperature and reducing smog formation.
Reflective roofing technologies are increasingly included in federal, state and local energy codes, and specifiers are consulting the Cool Roof Rating Council’s (CRRC) product rating database to help make purchasing decisions.
To reduce electric power generation and associated air emissions, more government entities and utilities are offering incentives and rebates when these systems are installed. In addition, credits associated with reflective vinyl roofing or planted roofs can help achieve certification under the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System®. Here, a third measure, the solar reflectance index (SRI), is evaluated prior to assigning credit. The Green Building Initiative’s Green Globes™ program gives points towards Globes ratings for 100 percent roof coverage with either vegetation or highly reflective materials or both.
Net annual energy savings are typical even in northern climates. Cool roofs can have more impact on energy cost than energy use, cutting consumption during peak power demand when the rates are the highest and offsetting any minimal wintertime increases in use when there is less sunlight to reflect.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


gabe from fseer checks out a white roof with the best green roof ever over it I think its duro-last

Saturday, May 30, 2009

LivGREEN Danny Seo Interview

great tips for being outdoors in the summer

Thursday, May 28, 2009

check out greenwhitesolar.ning.com and greenwhitesolar.blogspot.com go green white and solar groofing I want to grow apples on my roof
the best part of an online webinar at home, I am working out with my kettlebell while working yay online webinar
RT @HeidiRichards: Are U an expert in Social Media? WE Magazine 4 Women is looking 4 contributing editors to our Tech channel DM. me 4 info
RT @daveshustler: Life Tip: See the world through someone elses eyes before you try and understand who they are
new to roofing is growth in use of wind turbines in roof mounted applications and PV electric and thermal hybrid systems
RT @PARKPLACEMTG: "Some people find fault like there was a reward for it." Zig Ziglar¨#voss °Âº¤Ã¸„¸¸„ø¤Âº°¨¸„ø¤Âº°¨ ¨°Âº¤Ã¸„¸
RT @PARKPLACEMTG: Be the change that you want to see in the world. Gandhi #voss
RT @miketon944: Mortgage Rates on the Move Up Today…way up. | Rain City Guide http://bit.ly/hQIJP
LEED 2009 COOL roof options are reflective roofs or vegitated or growing green roofs
urban heat island effect can be totally stopped by installing a cool white roof such as Duro-Last @ www.fseer.com
If you have any questions about COOL ROOFS as suggested by our new Dpt Of energy ask aways thats what I do and I do it well 86% reflectivity

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Dear President Obama,

I am writing you today in regard to your request for information and ideas on environment initiatives that will help the US with sustainability and create a positive impact on job growth. The company I represent Does environmentally friendly energy efficient roofing. We do everything from simple industrial roofs which we replace with white environmentally friendly recyclable roofing membranes to Solar and Green growing roofs. Our company did the largest Solar Roof install in Minnesota last year. As you probably know solar not only produces free clean energy but it also creates the most job hours on a 4 to 1 ratio when compare to other environmentally renewable resource or energy jobs.
Our company Four Seasons Energy Efficient Roofing is working with the community in Minnesota to connect the green and sustainable energy community through social networking, expo's, seminars and word of mouth. We would like to see white and or solar roofs on all buildings in The metro and rural areas. Minneapolis already has the vision that someday in the near future all flat roof surfaces could be white roofs. We are currently reaching out to schools and social groups to expand peoples knowledge of solar power and what white roofing can do for the environment.
If every flat roof in Minnesota simply put on a white roof with high reflectivity it would reduce global warming and energy usage dramatically. White roofs with high reflectivity dont heat up like most roofs and dont create the heat island effect. White roofs in Minnesota can do two main things for energy use. One they lessen the need for Air conditioning in the summer by reflecting the suns heat back and not absorbing it and allowing the heat to enter the building. Two in the winter the white roof stays cool and does not melt snow pack which in-turn acts as an insulator increasing R-value and decreasing heat loss through the roof. Over the life span of the a white roof it will more than pay for its install with energy savings. On top of this our roofing system is 100% recyclable and never needs to go into a landfill. Our white roofing is also the easiest way to build a green or solar roof with a multi stage design. The white roof can be installed and energy savings are seen immediately and in the future a solar array of green growing matter can be added at any time to the white roof. Adding growing green mass to a roof also decreases the heating and cooling costs and lessens the water runoff into sewer systems, lakes, and rivers.
In short the white roof is one of the easiest ways we can act to change the United States Of America to make us a global leader in environmental stewardship. In the process of converting to white roofs we decrease the heat island effect which leads to global warming, we save energy with high reflectivity, and we ready all of our buildings for Solar arrays or green growing roofs.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

working on a letter to Obama about Green and solar white roofing and energy saving ideas for the USA in the future
RT @BJMendelson: Please RT: Help The Homeless, Promote Yourself http://bit.ly/m84TB
RT @jumpthecurve: Lung cancer "smelled" by nanotechnology sensors: http://bit.ly/qGjQJ. Of course Mom probably smelled same thing after your 1st cigarette.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

http://ping.fm/3rmwA this is my marin 29'er heading out on the other bike today what do you roll out on? have a great sunday

Saturday, May 23, 2009

RT @BJMendelson: Issue #2 of our twitter-written comic strip http://bit.ly/LoQ8c
Check out the @iheartfaces giveaway from @allpopart! I just entered to win a photo print on canvas worth $85! http://ping.fm/aa9hL
RT @timbursch: Drove by a cemetery this morning with lots of people. Good memories hit me. Do something worth remembering!
http://is.gd/CGFO this is what happens to people when they drink 6 shots of caribou coffee then a tall amp and stay up late on a holiday
RT @Mortgage_Kyle: Summertime in Chicago -- and the livin' ain't easy - Chicago Sun-Times #Wisconsin #h... http://ping.fm/STCaX
RT @YummyMummyClub: Looking for CDN mom to write a "party" blog - tips for entertaining with cocktails and other fun how to party ideas.
RT @PARKPLACEMTG: America is another name for opportunity. Ralph Waldo Emerson
One of my hardest teachers at St.Thomas prof Tim Scully taught me more than I could have ever dreamed during his production class- thanks
RT @tomziglar: Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful. Zig Ziglar- this is so true
RT @tomziglar: Attend our webcast free - Finding Hope in Turbulent Times - register here http://ping.fm/7oTCQ at Ziglar Success 2.0
RT @MollyDuggan: Guilty Planet: Soft Enforcement and Sousveillence for Conservation http://ping.fm/voYZ0 Full http://ping.fm/4p6nL
RT @PARKPLACEMTG: "Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it."Confucius
RT @IMsocialmedia: Youth Marketing Connection » Internet Killed the TV Star? http://bit.ly/jGWDX
RT @StopHunger: Our week long challenge ends this morning. Let's make it to 15,000 to help those who are hungry. Each follower =$1 to end hunger! Please RT!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

RT @30careers: RT @appropedia 28 mpg is good enough for "10 Most Fuel-Efficient Cars in the U.S."? http://tr.im/lSIZ - ... size of a gocart
RT @TechCrunch: Every Minute, Just About A Days Worth Of Video Is Now Uploaded To YouTube http://tcrn.ch/2Lf by @parislemon
RT @tomziglar: Positive thinking won’t let you do anything, but it will let you do everything better than negative thinking will. Zig Ziglar
check out the new video GABE NOT FRED http://ping.fm/yjzEq

Monday, May 18, 2009

http://ping.fm/X97LS me and the turbo bluetec diesel mercedes at the living green expo
RT @GinaATL: Bodybuilders run from drug testers but can't hide http://short.to/a91m
RT @JoeEde: @biggabber How was SJA on Sunday?? :) good the bbq had lots of food
http://ping.fm/2g9kS St.Thomas opening doors Young alumni run it was cold I am pushing the kids
http://ping.fm/m2UjE fountain at rose gardens last night
RT @PARKPLACEMTG: "Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom." -- Marilyn Ferguson
RT @greenmeme: Reuters: Obama to unveil most aggressive auto fuel standards http://ping.fm/R0LWh

Actors Come Clean For Congo

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A walk with Cyril Paul in Trinidad

RT @PARKPLACEMTG: “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.”~Ben Franklin
I have to say I was deeply annoyed to talk to 2 people today that wish they werent Catholic anymore becaus they didnt like what the church
its the end of the last night of bakeing pasties next time I wont make so much mix, early day tomorrow working and planting canna bulbs
RT @ijustine: Earthquake!!!!!
I think the pope needs to be more open to change or we catholics are going to have a hard time in the future we should share the LOVE
I think it was a Great Tie in by Obama with the Dr King and civil rights movement story esp with the one survivor of the original committee
Interesting man representing the pope on cnn said that Obama was pro abortion not pro life we need to remember the death penalty too
I think we need to be proud to be Catholic and practice acceptance of others rather than be inclusive and old in thought Obama was right
What did you think of Obama today at Notre Dame I thought he was great Interesting that he touched on AIDS we all need to fight it
RT @windyhill @markknoller Star Trek, Obama,"everybody was saying I was Spock, so I figured I should check it out;" he gave the Vulcan salute.
RT @PARKPLACEMTG: "It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan" – Eleanor Roosevelt
RT @lovepeaceunity: Be ABSOLUTELY determined to enJOY what you do.. :o) - Pls RT? #peace
RT @brentnhunter: : "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." — Mother Teresa #quote #peace
http://ping.fm/flHqR pic of the new house its a rabbler with 2800sq feet 2 fireplaces hardwood and a wet bar and library down stairs
Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. - Thomas Jefferson

3 Girls, 2 Solar Panels, 1 Minute

this is just too good I love the music have to post it again

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Our garage sale is Saturday June 9th from 9-3 at 35th and Holmes mpls will benifit mn red ribbon ride 2009 come check it out fight AIDS HIV
sorry its sat june 6th
RT @joeede: rode his bicycle 42 miles today to support Hope House! Check it out! www.hopehousescv.org Ride on!
http://ping.fm/UPoQ4 sweet pic from red day www.redribbonride.org 2008 with Eric and dresses
RT @mrskutcher: Lets do it! RT @windycove cause of you whn @ivybean104 wnt 2 bed she had 5000 flwrs now just undr 9000 plse RT 4 more whn she wakes up! THX
RT @amp451: Ppl often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily. Z. Ziglar #quote (Please RT)
RT @jerryjamesstone: RT @GreenByDesign: Check out this interesting "easy solar in a box", its for the DIY crowd: http://ping.fm/l1kuz
http://ping.fm/051ry my team in 08 we ate triple that now come join is RRR 2009 300 mile to change the world you can do it
http://is.gd/ABY2 team yes is almost to 14K contribute and help us fight AIDS HIV TOGETHER http://ping.fm/ZGbhy
RT @lovepeaceunity: "Cherish UR visions & UR dreams - they are the children of UR soul & the blueprints of UR ultimate achievements." ~ N. Hill - RT #whyiTw ...
Twin Cities Luxury + Fashion and Bentley come together to unveil the 2010 Bentley Continental GTC Speed bentleyevents@morries.com for event
singing in the rain is at the ordway in the twincities this summer and I want to bring my daughter but not pat like $90 for a 6yr old ticket
sweet greenday on snl I love it when big bands mess up live lady gaga doesnt use lipsink and pre rec stuff musicians need to rock out real
church tomorrow then some work and off for a run with the wife. Golden valley days was super fun this year but it was cold cold cold
watching SNL after MAD tv and bakin some more pasties had to explain to a neighbor girl what a rutabaga was and she had no idea wax outside
"If sales & referrals are going to happen, they'll after you've proved yourself to be an asset of value, not a taker of energy." -Bob Burg

Friday, May 15, 2009

pasties in the oven lamb chicken rutabagas onions potata carrots in a butter pastry shell all baked to perfection by me no atkins tonight
do you ever get sick of your pasta maker spitting the pasta out in clumps instead of noodles, I know I do darn it pasties it is tonight
were going to golden valley days tonight and maybe the big rummage sale not going to the home shoe I guess its dead tonight oh well rock on

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Power Saver demo Micro-Plug PS2B on a domestic washig machine

3 Girls, 2 Solar Panels, 1 Minute

Why Earth Science


I so hate the credit card auto dialers that want to lower my credit, dont the get that people dont want to be bothered
RT @5FtHighMktgGuy: “To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence.” - Mark Twain < I have both in large supply!
RT @HeidiRichards: (last one) 10 Tips for entrepreneurs and your business to beat the recession http://bit.ly/qXC7E #business
RT @greenandhealthy: Time for a Strrrretch! Yoga for You and Baby http://ping.fm/Y9onF
getting up for the day for the second time, eggs are cookin tea is on gonna throw the kettlebell around for a while then off to the bank

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

going to bed then up for another exciting day of life, gotta live every day to its fullest
http://ping.fm/wK1Ac St.Thomas Environmental studies program video I did

University Of St.Thomas Environmental Studies Promotional Video By Gabe Skelly

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

RT @BobBurg: RT @BrentAllan: quote from @BobBurg - "No one will hang up the phone on U while THEY are talking." Lesson: Listen more than talk
RT @BobBurg: That "just 1 more" is so often diff between avg & mega-success. Check out @Randy_Gage newest post http://bit.ly/hTmuc
RT @darrenmonroe: #twitterhug spread the love and share!

YouTube Time Capsule!

cool idea

http://is.gd/zcOT sustainable roofing webcast you might want to check out
Nicole Bart has been chosen to be one of the 72 players in the state of Minnesota to play in the state "all star game" out of over 6000 kids
I will also give a proof of my book to anyone who donates $25 or more to http://is.gd/zcqK to fight AIDS HIV
I will raffle off a product red Ipod and Armani watch to anyone who donates $50 or more to http://is.gd/zcqK help stop AIDS HIV WORLDWIDE

Monday, May 11, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009

snamh gach seachtah sa gheimhreadh , ag iarraidh ag iarraidh an cuma liom ni creidim

Monday, May 4, 2009

http://digg.com/u12RsY sweet solar install we did Biggest in Minnesota Go FSEER now on to a bigger one and maybe a really big green roof
just got done watching Doubt. Good movie it wasnt at all what I expected you really cant blame anyone for who they are nature controls drive

Friday, May 1, 2009

If you are going to the living green expo tomorrow come say hi to me we will be doing a raffle and are displaying a big solar panel @FSEER
would you rather have $100,000 a day for a month or a penny on the firsy day of the month that doubles every day? Id take the penny

Thursday, April 30, 2009

RT @MDNRwatch: RT @jaytennier graphic showing how long some natural resources will last at current consumption rates http://is.gd/mP56 Say goodbye to LCDs.

Interview with Bob Burg, Co-Author of "The Go-Giver"

RT @BobBurg: While U've got 2 admire 1 who "has no fear", U've really got 2 respect the 1 who has fear...and acts anyway!
RT @JayGregory: Blogging 'Green News: EPA Releases National Top 50 Green Power Purchasers' http://ping.fm/7fxBy #green
Just got home from Supatra Thai we were dining out for life with my Team Just got Jump the Curve in the mail today going to start it tonight
new networking site for Green and Solar community http://ping.fm/HiRiY
it out and join for anyone interested in LEED
RT @Andrew_Skelly: deaths associated with the common flu 20K-40K ea. yr. in U.S. Swine flu? Only 1 death so far http://ping.fm/4UdlV
I do Love the way Obama can make jokes while he speaks on national tv, he is going to do alot more than can be said for chrysler or GM
COld spring Mn st. bonni school closed the U of M revoked study abroad classes yesterday and yanked 21 students back from mexico on a flight
CDC confirms swine flu in Mn time to buy up all the hand sanitizer and stock up on food just incase the world shuts down stock up water

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Green Effect

http://digg.com/u124oQ Team YES for the Mn RED RIBBON RIDE is about to hit 12K raised this year to fight AIDS HIV GO YWCA ENDURANCE SPORTS
well it seemed like a good first 100 DAys for Obama well see what happens in the next esp if the Dem side take full power with Frankin
yes yes yes health care Obama here we go, I know I love paying out over 10K a year in health care for a family of 4
Obama is on and I am watching, I love the way he is willing to take any questions even if they are hard to respond to

What If

RT @jumpthecurve: The "Green" house of the future: http://bit.ly/RWi9N check it out green house tech

Gabes Green Solar corner Networking

#smbmsp great job everyone check out the new skimmer app from we are fallon and sierra bravo its very cool
just got back from social media breakfast at allianz http://ping.fm/MxppV green networking with a solar twist

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

just installed skimmer from adobe air well see how it works I like twirl and ping.fm what do you use?
RT @TechCrunch: Socialthing Starts Spreading Across 75 AOL Sites http://tcrn.ch/pr by @erickschonfeld this is sweet for friends
I am thinking about donating a roof on extream home makeover or to other non-profits does anyone have suggestions it could be green or solar

Monday, April 27, 2009



writing a letter to obama on heat island effect and the positives of white reflective roofing in Northern climate
does "I don't feel comfortable investing my money in that property" sound like family helping or a business investment talking about a home

Sunday, April 26, 2009

just got done watching Marley and Me it was a little hard to watch towards the end since we might have to put shep down in the near future
does anyone have info on good solar shingles I am doing some research. also renewable energy conference in Germany? Live Green in Mn
the mayo clinic in mn is using twitter to connect with patients west health should do the same or check out sumotext and message cell phones
my reviews are at biggabber.yelp.com my tweets are at twitter.com/biggabber my blog is greenwhitesolar.blogspot.com where are yours?
mpls social media breakfast will be at Allianz Wed for next meeting anyone want to come and learn some new networking skills
mpls social media breakfst will be at Allianz Wed for next meeting anyone want to come and lean some new networking skills
I just made the YELP ELITE SQUAD YAY now I can really start reviewing, I am excited about all the social networking going on in Mn

Friday, April 24, 2009

just got done watching the film The Day The earth Stood Still. The idea "At the Precipice we change" is interesting hopefully we dont hit it

2009 Initiative Awards - Outstanding Green Venture

Great Video ON MN nonprofit that gives free solar heat to Poor in Rural Mn

2009 Initiative Awards - Outstanding Green Venture

Great Video ON MN nonprofit that gives free solar heat to Poor in Rural Mn

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

http://digg.com/u11Xy6 check out change.org and help spread solar to people all over who cant afford it make an earth day gift I did
HAPPY HAPPY EARTH DAY TO EVERYONE check out this fun video http://ping.fm/krpKJ ROY McBride Traffic Heart of the Beast

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

http://digg.com/u11WWZ check out my lates video Roy McBride and Willie Murphy MN POEMS with music it was great Traffic CD out now from 1986

Monday, April 20, 2009

http://digg.com/d1p8Qo Check out the Green Roof On Mpls City Hall Next is the Target center with the 10th biggest in the world Happy Monday

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gabriel Skelly will give $500 to anyone for tips leading to us finding Daniel Zamlen or contact 651-291-1111

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

http://digg.com/u1YRp here is the site or call 911 he is a diabetic wht male 19 brn hair blond hilights 6ft1 175 around Missippi east side
please help find Dan Zamlen he has been missing since sunday at 3 am he may have fallen in the river St.Thomas student call 651-962-5555

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just got done watching Slumdog Millionare it really was a great movie. We all need to keep up the fight against inequalities IT IS WRITTEN

French Meadow Bakery With Four Season Energy Efficient White Duro-Last Roof

This is the French Meadow Bakery Off Lyndale Avenue In Minneapolis. They have some of the best baked goods in the metro area. They sell to local grocers and specialize in Organic and healthy food and baked items. Four Seasons Energy Efficient Roofing Put on a Duro-Last white roof. By doing this French Meadow Bakery took more steps to going green. The new roof has an 86% reflectivity and will reduce the carbon footprint of the bakery by reducing the HVAC needs over the life of the white roof. French Meadow Bakers has long been a leader in the healthfood movement now they are a leader in the Green movement. Nice Job and thanks for offering healthy sweet options for the health food nuts out there.

Monday, April 6, 2009

http://digg.com/d1o6Wg VIDEO ON Arm In Arm In Africa Must watch Red Ribbon Ride Minnesota connection we can all do more HIV AIDS education

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ok I did pretty good at the sprint tri 1 hour 4 min although i almost passed out after my first lap in the pool. I was in the fast heat yay

Saturday, April 4, 2009

http://digg.com/u1C6R check out my newest video Gabes solar corner some great new tips on how to get into the solar game on the cheap anyone
Going to Rei for a scratch and dent, first to einstein to get a cup of darn good coffee, going to walk the mile there to lessen my carbon fp

Friday, April 3, 2009

Does anyone else do LEED or GREEN GLOBE cert Green or Living Roofs or rooftop gardens I am looking for people to work with at FSEER
just got some new 100 cfl's they burn 26w next to get into led does anyone know a good place to get them. I want to go Green as possible
everyone I am giving away a free kindle 2 from amazon and Whally Whally Bing Bang Finds His Fishing STone once I get 5K followers on twitr
Trying to get out of the house to lift, and doing some research on solar systems man there is alot out there. http://digg.com/u17YB
Wow I just found out the tri I am doing I sunday not tomorrow I am bummed. Now what maybe a little light swimming and some bike

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Angie wants to check her email ha who emails anymore
Tired from a long day at work, going to bed soon so I can do well in the TRI I am doing at the midtown YWCA Sat
I hate tmv but its always on after the news and I listen to it while I email and text bomb

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Living Green Expo Minnesota Twin Cities White Green and Solar Roofing

Four Seasons Energy Efficient Roofing will be at the Living Green Expo this May. We will be featuring Duro-last single ply pvc products. One of the big projects from the past year was competion of the biggest solar project in Minnesota. We are also working on a cooperative with the livgreen house that will be created by livgreen magazine. We are offering a new product this year called "shingle ply". It is like the original "single ply" pvc that we sell it is 100% recyclable and has a high reflectivity ratio. It will also help in generation of LEED and GREEN GLOBE credits on your house. I will be buying a house in the next year and am looking at the best options for going solar. I just talked to the guy from FreEnerg-y they will lease you a solar system with no up front costs. Its a 15 year lease and you can get a small install for $80 a month totally installed and jacked into the power grid. It may be the way to go for me. We are also researching more solar and green roofing contractors in MN to see who we might want to work with in the near future. Its time for green to come to the head of the market and we will be there when it does. Check out the new video i put on youtube search Darrell Fseer or add my channel to your list. Youtube gaberedribbon

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Water bottles

Well we have all purchased new stainless water bottles in the office so we dont need to use plastic water bottles. I love the Nathan Human propulsion systems ones. I think i am going to do the indoor triathalon at the midtown ywca the first week in april so ill really get to check it out in an event. We are working on ideas for the green life expo and we are researching the livgreen mag that is new to the twin cities market. I am super excited to start working with First Solar to develop a network of solar installers. Remember that Four Seasons Energy Efficient Roofing is already LEED and Green Globe certified and that we already did the biggest solar install in Minnesota. We want to situate to take a big step in solar when the economy comes out of the little slump we are in now. We feel that going green is the way to do it. We will be going geothermal with the heat and cooling in our office in the near future. We also have alot of our office telecommute to reduce their carbon footprint more. The main site is www.fseer.com remember to enter into my competition to win a kindle 2 from amazon by following me on twitter and on my blog. After we get 5K followers one person will win the kindle 2 free and a copy of my book Whally Whally Bing Bang Finds His Fishing Stone well we are back to work here. keep green and love the day

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Here is the deal, be one of the first 5,000 people to follow me on my blog and twitter and once we get to 5,001 someone will win a Kindle 2 From Amazon and a free Copy of My new book Whally Whally Bing Bang Finds His Fishing Stone. The kindle is the Green way to go for conserving paper and trees and its high def. Its the new 1080P way to read your books. Check us out and get your hands on the sought after New Kindle 2 From Amazon for Free

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Merric Inc Mn Solar Install

The Duro-Last roofing system has been installed on the Merrick, Inc. building in Vadnais Heights, Minnesota. The project was completed at the end of August 2008 and is the largest solar electric application in the state, with 525 solar panels installed that are expected to produce 130,000 kilowatts of electricity a year. Beneath the solar electric system, the building is protected by over 50,000 square feet of Duro-Last’s single-ply PVC roofing system. Four SEasons Energy Efficient Roofing www.fseer.com is moving more green and working with Solar installers and contractors around Minnesota and Solyndra from CA

Valentines Days

We went to the TRumpeleau Hotel In WI then on to the Coffee Mills to Ski. The TRumpeleau hotel has great food and great service. The river was very beautiful today although a little cold for a walk. Last week I went to the Greater Greener Uptown event. They used a TPO roof and got some leed credits. the most interesting was the pool which uses a UV system instead of Chlorine to clean most of the water. Next on to the Native American center this week to see about green jobs and maybe a little solar and white talk.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009



Greater Greener Uptown Event WIth FSEER

We will be at the uptown ywca tomorrow to see the new things that have been going on. They have some leed credits and some very cool sounding ideas they used to make the health club more energy efficient and green. We may also fit in a little spin class and some hot tub in the new uv filtration chlorine light water.

Sunday, February 1, 2009




Saturday, January 31, 2009


We are going to go out on a limb here and say that the Obama admn is going to give residential or industrial projects so sort of tax credit for green or energy efficient jobs. Solar being the best since it saves alot of energy and is clean in the long run and produces the most man hours of .work. Its almost a 4 to one ratio over other types of renewable energy.

Friday, January 30, 2009