Friday, June 3, 2011

Hootsuite Friendly Skimmer Twhirl Ping.FM Twitter APPS for BUSINESS

Well I was thinking while at a meeting the other day about a new app I was using for one of the companies I work with. Recently someone in marketing told me about Hootsuite, I loved it from the second I started using it. There seem to be so many apps out there to access social media that its hard to figure out what to use, so ill give you a short review of what I use.

     One of the first apps I used was Skimmer produced by Fallon. I love Fallon and in fact I ran into an employee's wife at McDonald's the other day and asked her what she did simply because she was wearing a vest that had the words "We are Fallon" across the back. She said her husband was in the print side of Fallon. They really are a neat firm and one of the first groups I met over 2 years ago at Social Media Breakfast MSP. Skimmer is a neat app esp for the people who work at Fallon. It runs on Adobe AIR and is very visually stunning.

     The second App I started using was Twhirl, which I still use today daily. I love being able to open 10 twitter streams at one time on my Mac and see all that is going on. I also set up Ping.FM with my Twhirl so I can send anything I say to many social media sites at one time.
     Ping is a cool site and you can use it on it's own or with  other apps like Twhirl. You can update Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Freindster, Bebo, Blogger, Linkedin and about a million other sites with one post.

     I have a Mac, Ipad, and Ipod touch 4th gen. I love all the apps on my Mac but there are some I use only on my mobile devices. For instance I love the simple Facebook app for the Ipod and Iphone I can easily take a picture and  set my location in an update with one button. I also like the same options that come with the Twitter made app for Twitter on the Ipod and Iphone.
     On my Ipad I use the Twitter main app and Friendly for Facebook. I love Friendly and the user interface. It gives you the ability to download and save facebook pictures to show people on your Ipad. I also use the Yelp app and the Merchant Circle app to update work accounts from my Ipad. Recently I installed Hootsuite for Ipad and I really like it.

     Currently my biggest beef with apps for social media is Linkedin. They don't seem to have a really good app.  I have the old one that was designed for Linkedin by Linkedin and let me tell you it needs some updates.
     I also do a lot of video.  I love the auto upload to Youtube from the Ipod touch. I also used Ustream mobile and Justin.TV on my Ipod where there is  wifi for streaming.

    There are tons of apps I use for work but those are the main ones I use for social media.   For work I use my Imac, Ipod, Ipad, a  Fujitsu tablet PC,  a  PC running windows XP and another running Vista. If you have any suggestions for me I would love to hear them. Or ask me any questions at or tweet me @GabrielSkelly

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